The mouse is sanitised on the top to remove all grime, the wheel to remove all in-ground dirt and the base of the mouse to remove built-up dust and dirt. The mouse pad is also thoroughly cleaned to ensure ease of use for the mouse.
The handset is sanitised thoroughly making sure that all grime, oil and makeup is removed from the ear and mouth piece. Before placing the handset back, the surface is wiped down where the handset sits, then the rest of the phone sanitised making sure that all grime and marks are removed from the face of the phone.
If the phone has a headset hanging up, the ear piece and head band are sanitised and hung back up.
Any work equipment on the desk such as staplers, calculators or a hole punch are all cleaned and sanitised.
The computer screen is first dusted then oily marks or other smears removed with a micro-cloth screen cleaner. Finally, the top of the screen edges are dusted and any marks removed.
The keyboard is put flat onto the work surface so as not to break the legs off from under it. Using our Clean IT spray the keyboard is lightly sprayed and all oil, dust and grime removed. A spatula is run between the keys horizontally which in effect cleans the surface of the keyboard under the keys and loosens grime and dirt. Wipes are wrapped around the end of a cotton bud and the key on the keyboard cleaned inbetween making sure that all dust, grime and oil is removed.
Using the brush, the keyboard is tipped over and tapped onto the desk releasing any loose dirt and then brushed vigorously up and down the keyboard making sure that every area of the keyboard is cleaned to remove loose dirt. The control key which is located at the bottom right of the keyboard, is popped out and the keyboard brushed down again using that corner to gather and tap out the dirt to be removed.
The keyboard is placed back where it was and all work equipment including hand rests or jotter pads, back where they were when the cleaning began. A wrapped lolly is left on the keyboard to thank the employee for allowing us to complete our clean. Lastly the surface of the work station is wiped down thoroughly to remove coffee rings, dust and pen marks etc., with the edge of the desk completing the clean.